Nonskid application process
Invest in Nonskid Application to Secure Your Road Plates
CWS Road Plate in Houston, TX takes preventive measures and precautions to make sure all road works are secured with nonskid application to road plates. With over a decade of exemplary business experience, we’re the most sought-after people for quality nonskid road plates in the neighborhood.
Strong points of nonskid applications
- Durable
- Equipment and personnel safety
- Mechanical bond
- Alternative to adhesion and welding process

Innovative measures to minimize traffic congestion using road plates
Keeping traffic under control and running smooth is a challenge unless appropriate methods are incorporated. One such solution to keep traffic moving even with open trenches and excavation work in progress is investing in nonskid road plates. Road plates can reduce traffic congestion during peak hours. They can be easily installed or removed as deemed necessary. Call us at 713-644-0375 to learn more about what we do.
Nonskid application forms a durable and aggregate coating that provides superb skid resistance for steel road plates.
Call Us Now to Get a $1000 Credit for Full Freight Loads With a Minimum of 46K Lbs.